Norwegian Contacts
Below you will find information concerning Norwegian Focal Points for the Cartagena Protocol, Competent Norwegian Authorities for management of LMOs, and on Norwegian Biosafety Websites and Databases. For information on National Contact Points of other countries search the BCH Central Portal
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Norwegian Focal Points
National Focal Points (NFPs) are responsible for managing communication between the Secretariat and respective governments, and the public. Each NFP entry contains contact information, telephone numbers and electronic mail addresses. Search now...
Norwegian Competent Authorities
Competent National Authorities are responsible for performing the administrative functions required by the Protocol. Each Competent National Authority entry contains contact information and a brief description of the functions of the organization. Search now...
Norwegian Biosafety Websites and Databases
National databases relevant to the implementation of the Biosafety Protocol. Each National Database entry contains a web address and a brief description of the contents of the database. Search now...